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Display and Input Requirements for Non-Traditional Multilanguage Markets

Jennifer DeCamp - MITRE Corporation & Everette Jordan - DoD

Intended Audience: Manager, Software Engineer, Marketer
Session Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

In the last year, several sources of data have become available concerning users or potential users of multilanguage technology. The U.S. Census has released figures from the 2000 census on such users (e.g., it records 31,844,979 million people in the United States 5 years old and over who speak a language other than English at home, of which 13,982,502 do not speak English "very well"). Moreover, for the first time, the census tracks the revenue of translators and interpreters. This presentation uses these and other data sources (e.g., survey results from the Localisation Industry Standards Association) to describe non-traditional markets for localized products, including multinational corporations, libraries, governments, universities, translation bureaus, expatriates, and people in the U.S. more comfortable in languages other than English. It also describes special requirements of these markets, and provides suggestions for better implementation of Unicode and foreign language features in products for such users.

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Unicode Standard Conference Board Past Conferences Call for Papers Sponsors Showcase
Registration Accommodation Travel Program Talks and Papers Next Conference
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22 Jun 2001, Webmaster