Case Study for B-2-B Integration
Intended Audience: |
Software Engineer |
Session Level: |
Advanced |
To compete in today's global economy, companies must extend their business processes beyond
their enterprises to seamlessly collaborate with their business partners. This requires a complete
integration of complex business processes and enterprise applications across multiple
organizations in the value chain. A Business-to-business (B2B) Integrator manages the delivery,
translation, processing, and security of business transactions and documents. It yields
interoperability, flexibility and scalability over the Internet using open standards such as EDI and
XML-based RosettaNet, xCBL, and ebXML.
Globalization of a B2B Integration Technology encompasses a wide range of internationalization,
localization, testing, and customization issues. The challenges of the project include
incompatibility of subsystems, character encoding, and data formats, interoperability across
enterprise applications with different internationalization designs, internationalization issues on
Internet programming, barriers from supporting technologies, logistic issues with development
and testing infrastructure, custom deployment scenarios, and fast changing requirements; among
CIO's, development managers, QA managers, IT managers, Professional Services Organization
managers, especially those who are involved in B2B Integration, will benefit from discussing the
experiences gained from this real-life project. Deeper technical discussion will be entertained
during Q&A session.