Web Internationalization -- Panel of SpeakersRichard Ishida (Moderator) - W3C
This regular Panel, consisting of invited experts on Web/Internet Internationalization (I18N), addresses a wide variety of timely issues related to Web/Internet I18N, driven by questions from the floor. To derive maximum benefit from this session, you are encouraged to attend the previous talk, titled Web Internationalization -- An Update from the W3C. The World Wide Web Consortium is working on making sure that the Internationalization needs in its technologies are addressed. For more information, please see http://www.w3.org/International. You are invited to put your questions and comments to the panel. You are also invited to subscribe and contribute to the W3C Internationalization Activity mailing list, www-international@w3.org (see archive). To subscribe, send a mail, with 'subscribe' in the subject line, to www-international-request@w3.org (subscribe now). |
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