Going Global with Microsoft E-Business ServersLaurence Kancherla, Gwyneth Marshall & Vincent Célié - Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft offers an E-Business Server 2002 line of products (BizTalk® Server 2002, Commerce Server® 2002, and Content Management Server® 2002) that enable companies to integrate enterprise applications, exchange information with business partners, and develop comprehensive solutions for managing online business and web content. International support is built-in in these three servers. The paper will give an architecture overview and explain the features of each product. In particular, the paper will highlight the globalization and localization aspects such as Unicode compliance, legacy code pages support for Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), and infrastructure for multi-lingual web sites. We will demonstrate how business to consumer (B2C), business to business (B2B), and enterprise portal scenarios with partners located across the world can be implemented. These products can easily be deployed worldwide and satisfy needs of international customers. At the end of the talk we will preview future globalization features (MUI and more languages) in the coming releases. |
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