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Bill Hall - MLM Associates, Inc.

Bill Hall has worked for many years as a developer and consultant on Microsoft Windows and Win32 platforms with experience going back to Windows 1.0, which he ported at the systems level to AT&T/Olivetti computers. He has worked as an applications developer throughout his computing career. In the early 1990's he turned his attention to internationalization issues beginning with his 1992 Microsoft Systems Journal article on Windows National Language Support and his 1993 articles on Win32 internationalization. At that time, he developed version of Windows 3.1 that could operate in eight central European languages including Czech and Slovak. Over the years he has taken a number of products into European and Far East languages. He continues to write on the engineering aspects of creating world-ready software with most articles appearing in Multilingual Computing, where he also serves on its editorial board.

In past lives, Bill has been a military and civilian aviator, an associate professor of mathematics at the University of Pittsburgh, a researcher at the Czech Academy of Sciences Mathematical Institute, and served for three years as an associate editor with Mathematical Reviews.

When the world wants to talk, it speaks Unicode

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International Unicode Conferences are organized by Global Meeting Services, Inc., (GMS). GMS is pleased to be able to offer the International Unicode Conferences under an exclusive license granted by the Unicode Consortium. All responsibility for conference finances and operations is borne by GMS. The independent conference board serves solely at the pleasure of GMS and is composed of volunteers active in Unicode and in international software development. All inquiries regarding International Unicode Conferences should be addressed to info@global-conference.com.

Unicode and the Unicode logo are registered trademarks of Unicode, Inc. Used with permission.

12 December 2002, Webmaster