Qin Lu - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dr. Qin LU is the Associate Professor at the Dept. of Computing, the Hong Kong
Polytechnic University. Dr. Lu has been very active in standardisation for
Chinese computing. Dr. Lu, representing Hong Kong, has been leading the Hong
Kong team since 1992 in ISO 10646's IRG for the revision and extension of
ideographic characters, structure symbols, and other work which are
already adopted by ISO 10646-1:2001 and ISO 10646-2:2001. Dr. Lu was one of the
key players to standardize HK's GCCS into Hong Kong Supplementary Character
Set(HKSCS) and also the newly finished Hong Kong Glyph Specifications, namely,
the Reference Guide of Kai Style Character Glyphs for Chinese Computer Systems
in Hong Kong and the Reference Guide of Printed Character Glyphs(Song Style) for
Chinese Computer Systems in Hong Kong. She is now sitting in the Chinese
Language Interface Advisory Committee of HKSAR government.